Hello there. I’m Rachel, thanks for stopping by.
I’m a holistic Mindset Coach who helps people get out of the rut, and uncover their true confidence while finding inner peace.
I’ve spent most of my life assisting others to uncover their blockages with procrastination or to improve relationships and deal with trauma. It started unintentionally with friends and family and then colleagues too.

As I helped people work through the stresses of their lives, I realised that
“what we offer others, is often what we require ourselves”.
In the past, I got to a point where it felt like I was just trying to get through another day – every day. My reactions to situations didn’t always match the situation — I sometimes felt overly emotional or triggered, and it didn’t always make sense to others, or even myself.
Recognising this, and finding a way to access subconscious thinking, turned my life around. My journey to a more balanced life had such a profound effect on me, and those closest to me, that I sought professional training to become a mindset coach so I could help others.
I now enjoy being in a position to provide the tools and strategies to empower you on this path too.
How did change begin?
When I began acknowledging my behaviour patterns, such as procrastination, being overly emotional, and worrying over small things, I realised these were defensive mechanisms hindering me. But I didn’t realise this wasn’t the problem – it was actually the symptom. And it’s more common than you think.
Once I started altering these unconscious behaviours and thoughts, it changed the way I looked at life, for the better. Some things shifted quickly, and others took time for change to set in, but it was totally worth it
So, what difference did this make?
It meant being able to make confident decisions and being able to take sensible risks without worry, while facing each day with more energy and purpose.
I’d be having you on if I said my world is perfect. But I’ve discovered self-awareness of my feelings and emotions, and I’m not second-guessing myself.
This has also positively impacted those closest to me, and my career, and I feel I have more purpose in life. Challenges still happen, and that’s to be expected in life, but my ability to rebalance and bounce back is quicker.
Working with my subconscious mind changed my life.
When I began working on my subconscious, it became clear I had some habits, which were not allowing me to move forward, positively.
In the past, I wasn’t aware of this in me, yet I could easily see this in others. Although I was aware of my pain, and the cards life had dealt me, I wasn’t conscious of the effect of my thoughts, or how much I underestimated myself. Worse still, I didn’t realise this had such a negative effect on me, and those closest to me.
People can get by without realising the effects the past has on their present.
They say children can be a reflection of yourself. It wasn’t until I saw anxiety in my child that I began to recognise it in myself. But it was such a familiar state, which felt normal, and it was my normal. But I wanted something to change, so my future could be different.
I felt exhausted most days, and there was no medical explanation. I always had headaches regardless of what I tried. And talking about ‘my problems’ didn’t help. I wanted to change — but that wasn’t enough for change to happen — it was like groundhog day.
The subconscious mind is like a memory bank of feelings. You’re not aware of many of these, such as pain, conflict and beliefs which were created in the past. This can cause a battle with your conscious mind, which can create anxiety, uncertainty and emotional imbalance.
When I learned how to change my subconscious thinking, it was the beginning of the change I’d been looking for. It started with small steps, but they’ve made a huge difference. I’ve regained my energy and rarely get headaches, and when I do, I can now listen to the signs. I’ve got better control of my emotions and have developed a new self-confidence, by rewriting the narratives in my head.
It’s effectively reprogramming your unconscious mind to increase motivation and enable mental and emotional freedom.
What’s holding you back?
Since you’re still here reading, you’ve likely tried many things which haven’t worked. Please know you’re not alone. You’ve probably tried to make changes before and want to take a different approach.
I don’t know your personal story, but I do know life has challenges and pain. I’ve felt defeated and wanted to give up, but I’m glad I didn’t. With the right support and a different approach, life change is possible.
As a holistic Mindset Coach, I’m here to help you move forward.
Do you want to reprogram your subconscious mind, to help change your life?
My Qualifications
- Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
- EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner
- PSYCH-K Facilitator
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner
- Timeline Therapy Practioner
Complementary Skills
- Diploma in Teaching Primary
- Graduate Diploma in Special Needs
- SET (Simple Energy Technique)
- TRE -(Trauma and Tension Release Technique)
- Bowen Therapy (International School of Bowen Therapy)
- Emmette technique
- Certificate IV in Assessment and Training
- Certificate IV in Life Education Skills
- Senior Screener Irlen Institute (Screening for Dyslexia)