

This integrated approach to change melds contemporary and traditional strategies. 

Psych-K is a non-invasive procedure for discovering key self-limiting beliefs. It uses muscle testing to identify these beliefs, replacing them swiftly with positive and enabling beliefs using various tools to cement them into your psyche, allowing you to choose how you want to be. Rather than constantly reacting, you’ll become more consciously aware and let go of the defences you use to protect yourself.

It is common not to recognise our self-limiting beliefs as they can be masked by more socially acceptable attitudes and behaviours. For example, a limiting belief that ‘I am not good enough’ can possibly underpin a constant need to support others (people pleasing) or being busy all the time can mask a ‘fear of intimacy’.

The first step is learning how to identify the beliefs that limit us, and sometimes, we need assistance in this process. Many patterns of behaviour and responses that were once helpful are no longer necessary or beneficial moving forward. Just as our clothes need to change as we grow because they no longer fit or suit our taste, beliefs need adapting and changing to accommodate our ever-maturing selves. However, sometimes, we are so attached to our way of thinking that it feels unsafe to change. This process is one of many I use to support you to do this.

Book Appointment

50 min sessions in person or online from the comfort of your own home with more time for you and less to travelling.