Timeline Therapy

Timeline Therapy

So often, our responses are not proportional to the situation. We have all found ourselves reacting to a situation in ways we know are not healthy or wise. This is often referred to as being ‘triggered’ as our reaction is automatic (unconscious). It occurs when we unknowingly bring a past emotional response into a similar current experience, which is not always helpful. 

Timeline Therapy technique helps unwrap what the trigger is and allows you to transform negative associations and painful memories to find the learnings or growth you can gain from them. It is not to dismiss that the experiences were challenging and maybe even horrible, but it opens doors to find where we might benefit from a situation so it doesn’t leave a sour taste in our mouths. This allows you to respond to the next situation deliberately and thoughtfully rather than reactively.

Book Appointment

50 min sessions in person or online from the comfort of your own home with more time for you and less to travelling.